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Does your hand gel leave your skin dry and cracked?

2020 has seen hand sanitiser become part of our ‘take-everywhere’ items along with our mobile phone, keys and face mask. How often have you heard people complain about how dry their hands are and how painful it can be each time they apply their sanitiser? Maybe you are one of those people? It is not surprising because to meet World Health Organisation standards, hand sanitiser has to contain a high concentration of alcohol. While alcohol is effective at killing off bacteria it is also very good at removing moisture leaving skin dry and cracked.   

We all want to stay as safe and follow government guidelines of keeping our hands clean. Soap is good but not always practical when we are out and about doing out weekly shop or refuelling our cars, just two weekly tasks where we are touching objects handled by so many others. There has been an explosion of new hand sanitisers at a wide range of prices and produced by companies which have appear from no where. It is not surprising then that are so many suffering from dermal problems. 

Well help is at hand. Nahrin has a long history of making natural and effective skin products which includes the Nahrin Hand Gel. This product, as you would expect, is kind to your skin but also more than complies with the World Health Organisation requirements for sanitising against the COVID-19. Apart from its anti-microbial benefits Nahrin Hand Gel also contains moisturising properties helping protect your hands from drying out and cracking. What’s more, it smells divine!

Despite having a viable injection arriving on our shores, it will be some time before we can all go back to the old ways and maybe some of us will keep the practice of sanitising our hands often. So if you haven’t tried our sanitiser yet, now is as good-a-time as any. It is also makes a good very practical gift t our loved ones. 

We wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to a COVID-free New Year.

Click here to find out more about Nahrin Hand Gel.

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