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Our Blog

Thank you for taking time to browsing our Blog. Our aim is to share articles about herbs, their properties, usage and benefits, natural living and well being tips as well as UK based events. We hope you enjoy and are inspired as well as finding them informative.

More than just a hand sanitiser

Does your hand gel leave your skin dry and cracked?2020 has seen hand sanitiser become part of our 'take-everywhere' items along with our mobile phone, keys and face mask. How often have you heard people complain about how dry their hands are and how...

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What’s the story crowning glory

OK, I should have got my hair cut before the covid-19 lock down started but I didn't. So what is there to do? Well I could do the drastic thing and shave it all off or try a bit of DIY hairdressing. Maybe a pony tail or bunched, the options are endless but the first...

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Perfect Hot Cross Buns

Perfect Hot Cross Buns

After years of trying different recipes for Hot Cross Buns that have ended up having the consistency of a shot-put at last here is one that gives you perfect results every time! Enjoy.

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Lemon Oil – essential for every household

Lemon Oil – essential for every household

Lemon Oil is well know for its therapeutic benefits which you can read all about on our Essential Masterclass article – click here to read. However, Lemon Oil also has a host of other uses: Cure for smelly washing: Ever forgotten to empty your washing and by the time…

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