Lemon Oil is well know for its therapeutic benefits which you can read all about on our Essential Masterclass article – click here to read. However, Lemon Oil also has a host of other uses:
Cure for smelly washing: Ever forgotten to empty your washing and by the time you do, your clothes have that bad odour which is hard to get rid of? I know I have. Add a teaspoon of Nahrin Lemon Oil to your machine and put it on a rinse cycle. Your clothes will come out fresh and smelling great.
Great chemical free surface cleaner: Many of your kitchen cleaners have that lemony scent. That is because lemon has great antibacterial properties. With the aid of a spray bottle, add some Nahrin Lemon Oil and some water. Spray on your work surfaces to keep them germ free. You can also add a bit of vinegar to strengthen the effect.
Hard water and your shower head: If you live in a hard water area like I do, limescale builds up quickly on my shower head. I don’t like to use those powerful descales but have found that using a small amount of Nahrin Lemon Oil, works well to remove these hard water deposits. And what’s more, you don’t get all those noxious fumes that you get from chemical alternatives.
Bicycle repairs, no longer a pain: While I am not claiming Nahrin Lemon Oil will make fixing a bike any easier, getting rid of those stained greasy hands is. Add a few drops of Nahrin Lemon Oil to your soapy hands and the greasy comes off a lot easier.
Lovely Leather: Whether you cherish the leather seats in your car or leather sofa, Nahrin Lemon Oil will help keep them nourish. Simply rub it into the leather with a soft clean cloth and it won’t just keep them looking great but also smelling great.
Family Silver: When you have finished with the leather, you can use your Nahrin Lemon Oil impregnated cloth on your silver. It is perfect to polish up slightly tarnished silver jewellery and picture frames.
Zap that Sap: One to remember when you are pruning trees which ooze sap or even handling that Christmas tree, getting that sticky substance off your hands can be a nightmare. Rub a few drops of Nahrin Lemon Oil on the affected area and the problem is gone.
Gum and Tattoos: Kids love them both but trying to get rid of those tattoo stickers can sometimes be almost as hard as getting rid of the real thing. And how many times has gum ended up in their hair rather then in their mouths? Well these unsolved mysteries are no longer a problem as both can be resolved by rubbing with a little Nahrin Lemon Oil.
Your Buds Buddy: We are not the only ones that like flower buds. Aphids have a passion for them too. Spray them with a Nahrin Lemon Oil and water mix which will get rid of them and their larvae and enjoy your blooms.
Would you like to buy Nahrin Lemon Oil? Click here to go to the shop.
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